Reclaim the Crafts: part 2

March, 30-April, 6

25 people from Berlin-based and East of Ukraine, all aiming to use their skills and expertise combined to benefit their communities.
Artists and urban activists, crafts(wo)mans, facilitators and changemakers have brought together their experience with locals in spring 2019.
Second part of "Reclaim the Crafts" project.

We have traveled to eastern Ukraine:
made events together, divided into groups, then have reunited again.
Road of the reclaimers in Ukraine:
Pokrovsk ► Doropillya and Novohrodivka ►Sloviansk
Day 1st

arriving, walk from the hotel to the meeting place, seed-wishes ceremony and planning activities for the week in Ukraine.
Day 2nd
When you are the Sherlock-upcycler, kind of vegetable, and craft-maker - you are the reclaimer.

In the second day in Pokrovsk we
- collected materials/trash on the Pokrovsk streets,
- shared our feelings and thoughts in 5 reflection groups:
"Pumpkins" (Alex, Karina, Vlad, Stas, Sasha)
"Pluck Salad" (Elisa, Dani, Regine, Julia, Sasha)
"Carrot Parrot" (Nati, Juan Pablo, Mima, Dina, Claire)
"Cucumber" (Alina, Alina, Saba, Lorema, Caro)
"Zucchini" (Ruta, Martan, Jason, Katya)

- made planning for Novo and Dobro, have prepared for workshops in Pokrovsk
Day 3rd
Poem of the Day 3rd by participant Dani Mosimann:

A sandwich start in the room of the aspiring clowns,
A rich buffet of flavours and and removal of frowns,
Mousse au chocolat gone wild on the walls
Movement sensor lights flickering on and off in the halls

On a lovely walk a useful trash collection
We turn it into art with a bit of direction
Protect those plastic bottles!
Sunshine at full throttle.

This brilliant light and heat showed the way a-glowing,
A wonderful afternoon in Pokrovsk with people showing
Energy from all with seed bombs, street embroidery and art
Mask building, plastic-work, photo transfer and all taking part.

At the end of the day some strange figures and punks in a circle dancing,
Everyone a bit tired but many good feelings and the smiles are enchanting,
Dinner at our favorite americana, gangsta, bluesy, 1920s pizzeria.
Some local beer, sandwich preparation and a party in the homies roomeria

A time portal to soviet grandma's bedroom , was it all a dream?
Who knows! but, were onto the next towns with a crafty team.
Video story about "Reclaim the Crafts" in Pokrovsk (1st April) by local TV "Телебачення КАПРІ" below:
Юлія Родіонова (on the photo above) posted on her facebook page about event on Pokrovsk:
"That's love.
That's inspiration.
That's life and art".
Day 4th: first day in Dobropillie and Novohrodivka
Thym'art Ducro:

"2nd stop in the city of Dobropillya - Donestk region, Ukraine - with Reclaim the Crafts !! very good times mixing snow, wind, and confusion with shnapps, sun, painting and smiles !! 2nd contribution : collaboration with Кудиненко Илья, with the help of Carriens Khramtsova & Lorema Tezir..."
"Был очень длинный насыщенный день ) наконец-то пришла весна ????хоть и холодная, но мы продолжали строить ???? Первая клумбочка на «НЕПУСТЫРЕ» готова, спасибо Марина Кучеренко за воркшоп по озеленению и время уделённое этой красоте ???????? спасибо всей команде Reclaim the Crafts за то, что все делали то, что могли, за то, что наполнили мой дом классной атмосферой, за то, что приехали с разных уголков Украины и Берлина, за возможность обмена опытом со всеми вами и возможность местным жителям поговорить с вами, построить что-то вместе при этом не зная языка друг друга, но понимая сердцем. Люблю вас всех ❤️ Спасибо Vita Bazan Anastasiia Parafeniuk за то, что помогли толкнуть вперёд движение в райончике ???? спасибо Роман Сах (Roman Sakh) за поради і настанови, які ми досі виконуємо всім райончиком ???? спасибо Владимир Орос за то, что познакомил со всеми этими замечательными людьми. Дякуємо Благодійному Фонду Відродження за фінансову допомогу в реалізації цього проекту.
P.S.: Один день в Доброполье позади, посмотрим, что будет дальше )"

Vladislav Burhovetskiy
Local coordinator in Dobropillie
First day of Reclaim the Crafts in Novohrodivka started with workshops from locals: petrikivka traditional painting, knitting with ribbons, art of burning on wooden planks, recycling-knitting. Everyone could try something, learn, and use it for the new crafts-mixing ideas.
"Эти люди сделали меня и многих других счастливыми и богатыми сегодня.
Городская библиотека для взрослых открывает проект «Reclaim the crafts» в нашем городке.
Торжество добра, щедрости, любви, тепла и творчества.

These people made me and many others happy and rich today.
The city library for adults opens the project "Reclaim the crafts" in our town.
This is a celebration of goodness, generosity, love, warmth and creativity".

Anton Kukhliev
Local coordinator in Novo
Day 5th: activities in Dobro and Novo
Day of Plan B workshops (because of weather): calligraphy and sharing of memories with Mima and Dani, t-shirt printing with Nati and Regine, phototransfer with Elisa and Dina, stop motion with Juan and Claire

"Dani Mosimann собирала местные истории и воспоминания жителей о Новогродовке. Claire Topinambour, Саня Кондаков и Juan Piña Bautista Zamora открыли мастерскую по производству анимационных продуктов: причём декорации, герои, сюжет - все о нашем городе. Завтра состоится презентация этой работы. Элиза и Dina Mudarisova занимались фото-печатью на разные поверхности. Regine Eniger и Нати помогали обновить футболки посредством принтинга. Mima Tikvaпровела мастер-класс по каллиграфии, а помогали с переводом Natalya Bernyck и Julia Kolodiy", - Антон Кухлиев.
Stop motion video created by Juan Piña Bautista Zamora as a director with reclaimers and locals in Novohrodivka - below:
Day 6th: activities in Dobro and Novo
Day together with local in Dobro: workshops, gardening, painting
"А як вам поєднання «Петріківки» та мистецтва у виконанні місцевих майстрів та учасників із Берліну?
Переконаний, ця стіна - один із найкращих виявів мистецтва в нашому місті.
Безмежно дякую Claire Topinambour, Mima Tikva, Regine Eniger, Dani Mosimann, Juan Piña Bautista Zamora, Карина Адыгезалова, Юлия Юрченко, Надя Савченко, Dina Mudarisova, Елена Колосовская та всім учасникам за ідею знайти та зрозуміти історію Новогродівки.
Грандіозна ідея - чудова робота!

And how do you combine "Petrykivka" and art with the performance of local masters and participants from Berlin?
I am convinced this wall is one of the best manifestations of art in our city.
Thank you very much to all the participants for the idea of finding and understanding the history of Novohrodivka.
The grand idea is a great job!", - Anton Kukhliev, local coordinator in Novohrodivka.

Day 7th - reunion of the team in Slaviansk

Reunion of the project team Slavyansk. It is a city rich in traditions of pottery and ceramics. Day have started with two tours: to the ceramic factory of Donbass. And excursions was not about technologies, but about people who have kept they business during the war.

The second part of the day was fulled with workshops from local potters, ceramists, and preparation for the performance on the central square of the Slavyansk, Ukrainian-Berlin mural on the garage wall, finalizing installation with combining Ukrainian traditional art and various kinds of technics - from project team side.

Day 8th: performance and evaluation
Final day. A MicroPlay "The Man, Earth Witch & Garden" by Dani Mosimann was performed on the city center of Slavyansk. Local context of play involved people to the discussion about recycling and sustainable being.
Feedback about being in the Reclaim the Crafts project, activities participants have put on the timeline and sent the letters to the future for themselves with conclusions and wishes about experience and new skills.

Collaboration for the Reclaim the Crafts in Slavyansk - Thym'art Ducro and Illia Kudinenko
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